Services and Solutions

$Billion Budgets : Workshops In Session
July 01, 2020
Workshops (see homepage calendar)
Workshops & Webinars for Primes, Subcontractors, Local Government Employees
Path to Minority and Women Business Enterprise Certification 101
Kick-Start to Certification: DIY(Do It Yourself) Certification Package
For Government: Solid Foundations M/WBE Programs and Certifications
Small Biz Grants and Certifications
$Billion Budgets: Current Solicitations and Future Forecasts....coming soon
Good Help is Easy to Find: Engaging Employee Placement Agencies....coming soon

Initial Certification Assessment *Free
Take the FREE 15 minute Initial Assessment and see if Certification is right for you. Must attend "Let's Talk Certification" Prior to Assessment. Below service Prices Starting at $299. There are several options:
DYI (Do it Yourself) Jumpstart to Certification Package : JCP
WOSB: Women Owned Small Business is a SBA Certification designation for WBE designated opportunities.
SBA 8(a) Certification: Federal Government Certification - must have 2-3 years sales receipts
DOT DBE: Department of Transportation - Any State
WBENC: Women Business Enterprise National Council
NMSDC National Minority Supplier Development Council
VOSB: Veteran Owned Small Business
DVOSB: Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business

Pre-Certification Evaluation Process * $75 Fee
Before starting application, ownership status and certification use research, assessment required. Certifications can be very rewarding, but is not for entity type..... Bid Research and Evaluation Starts at $75 (This fee goes toward certification packages $499 and up).

Post Certification Consultation *Fee
Yes, After Certification we can assist with contacts to contract opportunities that fit your business model. Fees are based on minimum 10 hour monthly retainer. Hourly Rate is $65.
Extensive Database Registration Services
Opportunity Research Services
Meeting Preparation Services
Marketing and Advertising
General Staff Support
Sales Coach
Most Government Contracts 6-Figures and above, require Prime Contractors to utilize sub-contractors and/or sub-consultants. The process of finding qualified subs can be a time-consuming task. A.Riley Consultants minimizes the headache of seeking subs to fulfill minority participation requirements.We help Primes locate the best possible subcontractor options.We contact, prescreen and provide even provide sub-prime mediation.
When time permits, review the below list of business opportunities and information resources. When you're ready, but don't have the time, A.Riley Consultants is here to provide supplemental manpower research upcoming bidding and small business training opportunities.
Dun and Bradstreet Login
System For Award Management - Create a small business profile, use your profile to search and receive bidding information. "How to" training videos available on-site.
Dynamic Small Business Search - A small business tool used by contracting officers to find small businesses and can also be used by small business owners seeking partners.
Federal Business Opportunities- $25,000 or higher
Federal Procurement Data System- Federal Contracting Data for opportunities in excess of $25,000
USA Spending Records
GSA Schedules- Access to Millions of Opportunities to provide products and services to the government
M/WBE Program Enforcement
Small Business Development Services
Licensed Notary on Staff

Is your firm missing opportunities, set-a-side for certified small businesses? If your company is at least 51% owned and managed by one or more minorities, women or vets, Certification may be for you. Minority Certification is simply a collection of documents which undergoes a verification process to be separate the truly disadvantaged business enterprises from those who only pretend to be owned and controlled by minorities and women.
There are several options:
WOSB: Women Owned Small Business is a SBA Certification designation for WBE designated opportunities.
How do I know I own a small Business: A small business is defined by the U.S. SBA NAICS Size Standards Codes Chart.
SBA 8(a) Certification: Federal Government Certification, must be in business two years.
DOT DBE: Department of Transportation to take advantage of the Transportation Funding Act dollars.
WBENC: Women Business Enterprise National Council to connect with Corporate buyers with WBE Participation Goals.
GMSDC: Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council to connect with Corporate buyers with Minority Participation Initiatives
HubZone, SBD and more…
Our Lead Consultant, Mrs. Arneja Riley, has worked on inception teams for the City of Savannah, GA as well as Chatham County, GA in the development and creation of M/WBE Programs and M/WBE Certification. Her key role included development, monitor and enforcement. At A.Riley Consultants we want to take the worry out of creating and improving Minority, Women and Local Small Business Programs. We have a passion for the people and a proven track record to make it work. Let us put together a 10 Step- Program that you can be proud to present to City Council and Board Of Commissioners. Satisfaction Guaranteed or it's Free.
Capacity Building Workshops are designed to help small business firms prepare for competition. Most small business owners know their trade, but may need assistance on the back end. These back-office services include concepts like:
Document Organization: Keeping Files where you can find them.
How to read contracts: The Do's and Don'ts before signing
Blueprint Reading: Blueprint Reading Brush-up
Pre-paring for Bonding : What you need to know about Bonding
Project Scheduling : Staying on Schedule
Effective Communication : Getting straight to the point-short effective emails
Getting Access to Capital: Choosing the right resources
Capability Statements : Past Performance on One Sheet
and more
A.Riley Consultants partner with area experts to offer free to low cost capacity building workshops. We take responsibility for organization, marketing and participant outreach.